The media give the impression that Syrian refugees are just innocent , impoverished people without any leadership or organization. Well, no need to guess.
The answer is on the next page, and it’s a name we are all familiar with; a long time backer of everything liberal:
Who would have Thought???Soros, who talks Regularly with Mr.O, Himself…The Musliminasation of America…
That guy is evil incarnate.
When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% – 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5% they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10% mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are “widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.” Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ has been attained – the Islamic House
SOROS has always been a blight on humanity….can’t believe God has allowed him tyo live this long!
Soros and the POS obama
He is just as evil as he looks.
Of course, News media will show women and children…
Never seen such well dressed refugees in my life and isn’t it strange that they are mostly adult males