Revealed: ICE Vastly Understated Amount of Illegals it Released onto American Streets

Revealed: ICE Vastly Understated Amount of Illegals it Released onto American Streets

It seems that dragging government officials into court is the only way the American people can get an honest answer, and even then, government officials in this administration have proven themselves more than willing to perjure themselves. It is obvious that the Obama administration is determined to flood the U.S. with illegal aliens, presumably because there will then be a continual demand to “fix the broken immigration system.” It is only broken because the feds won’t enforce it, and they won’t enforce it because sooner or later they are sure that the 12 or 20 or 30 million illegals in this country will be given amnesty and then citizenship, which will provide Democrats with a reliable margin of voters for decades to come.

What is more shocking is that cynical Democrats, including President Obama, are willing to sacrifice the safety and welfare of the American people to carry out there illegal plan. In recent records provided to FAIR due to a Freedom of Information request, shocking new information about criminal aliens in this country was revealed. The American people should be outraged.

See more on criminal aliens on page 2:

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