It seems that dragging government officials into court is the only way the American people can get an honest answer, and even then, government officials in this administration have proven themselves more than willing to perjure themselves. It is obvious that the Obama administration is determined to flood the U.S. with illegal aliens, presumably because there will then be a continual demand to “fix the broken immigration system.” It is only broken because the feds won’t enforce it, and they won’t enforce it because sooner or later they are sure that the 12 or 20 or 30 million illegals in this country will be given amnesty and then citizenship, which will provide Democrats with a reliable margin of voters for decades to come.
What is more shocking is that cynical Democrats, including President Obama, are willing to sacrifice the safety and welfare of the American people to carry out there illegal plan. In recent records provided to FAIR due to a Freedom of Information request, shocking new information about criminal aliens in this country was revealed. The American people should be outraged.
See more on criminal aliens on page 2:
Listen people, this man Barack Hussein Obama, who is supposed to be our president, never did, and never will care about this country, or its people. He is nothing more than a globalist puppet owned by the elites, the super wealthy, who think they know better than we do, how our country should be run. They have the idea that this world is overpopulated, and they want to eradicate as many of us as possible. These Muslim terrorists, and all of these illegals they are allowing in, are nothing more than tools to them. They are their weapons against us. When they are through using them, they’re going to kill them too. Obama is too stupid to realize that he’s just one of their tools. The highest offices in our land, is full of these Muslim savages, and now they are replacing our military with Muslims and illegals. Obama is working harder and harder to take our guns away, and now they are starting to recruit women, and even demanding that it be mandatory for women to register for the draft. They’re trying to get as many young people out of the country as possible so we will be extra vulnerable, but those young people will not be returning, at least not alive. Why would they do that? Have you ever asked yourself what’s #really going on? Obama purchases 30,000 guillotines and hides them in the FEMA camps, which are really graveyards. A whole bunch of Walmarts have closed, even some that were brand new, with little, or no explanation as to why. The main explanation being given, is that they were having plumbing issues. This is what they told the people that they laid off, and/or fired. Walmart, and many other wealthy corporations, are part of the system and plot against us. These stores have been converted into prisons, and they are equipped with chipping machines. There are tunnels bored beneath the ground, leading from these Walmart’s, to those FEMA graveyards. Obama has purchased hundreds of thousands of large plastic coffins, big enough to fit several bodies inside each one. It’s more important now than ever, that people get armed, and get to know your neighbors. Those you trust, form a strong bond with, and get as many people in that circle of friends as possible, because you’re going to need them. We’re going to be a bunch of small, and massive armies, having to fight each battle that comes to us one at a time. There is strength in numbers. Pray.
Should start executing the invaders.
Understated seriously it all in Obama’s agenda. Wake up.
We the People will assemble and reclaim what is ours. Not what we are told is ours but what We know is Ours.
Isn’t it funny? Each branch has numbers that vary wildly from the truth in either direction. How terrible for government workers who see it but don’t want to lose their job.
Trump will make sure they do their job.
…….Trump has approx…..$2 million in his war chest and employs maybe 100 people and managed to garner close to 300 million in in free media. . Hillary has close to $42 million on hand and employs 700 people and has only managed a 3 to 5 percent lead in the polls that is a sad return for the amount of energy and money spend can you imagine what she will do if she gets ahold of the economy. This is another example of why we need Trump he does not need 42 million to win he does not p**s resources away who will be the better guardian of the economy Trump and he will not reach into your pockets needlessly just to redistribute your savings to illegals, radicals, or the free stuff generation…!. Trump continues to step over the lines in the sand put there by the GOP and others rino ryan you need to get to a shelter now cause the TrumpNado is headed your way dumbass..! I ponied up in the coffers for trump glad to help!
……………………………….L’America è una merda….della schiavitù…..:)…(y)..
……………………………….L’America è una merda….della schiavitù….…………..