What’s left to do once you’ve conquered the world of finance and investment, and have achieved multi-billionaire status? If you’re George Soros, you use your money and the power that attaches to it to re-order society to suit your worldview. In the case of Soros, part of that worldview includes the destruction of the individual freedoms on which this country was founded and the exponential growth of central government which, naturally, means centralized control over all aspects of our lives.
So where do you start? Well, one approach is to look for a crisis in progress and then exploit it to advance your agenda. A crisis clearly implies that some action is needed. As a billionaire intent on using your wrath to control the society, you just take advantage of the opportunity that has presented itself. And if no suitable crises exist, you create one or more so you have something to exploit.
Suppose you wish to subvert the local police and establish control over all policing activities at the national, and intimately, the international level. You find a crisis in which the police are at the center, and you provide the “solution” by supporting a program at the national level to federalize police departments as is already in progress in six cities. You then support United Nations involvement, which is just what our attorney general did almost a year ago.
So now what have we learned from leaked memos from Soros’ organization?
Hurry up and die you pos$#%&!@* why is he not in prison anyway?
He is a globalist. He believes there should be one world government with one world leader. He believes that leader should be a dictatorship. He believes he should be that dictator. He has had a heany hand in destroying the middle east and Europe. He owns Obama and Clinton. But they are merely pawns in his plan. He is pushing the immigration of middle easterners into America to destabilize this country, thus making it easier to reduce our rights as free citizens. He is financing BLM to keep our minds occupied so that we lose sight of his dealings. He and his liberal Democrats puppets NEED to be stopped. Trump may have SAID crass things about women, but these people are DOING EVIL things to suppress “We the People”.
He is getting our police force murdered.
You would think with all the money he has he could have treated himself to a facelift but then again how can you rectify being ugly no hope for you soros your 1 ugly bastard
Someone needs to get this fuk and lock him up in a deep dark hole where no one will find him like shoot him to the sun in a rock et and make him listen to elton john rocket man the entire journey
Dead man walking
Put the signs in your yards and stickers on your cars Show them How Many that are supporting Trump They Need To Be Afraid of US!!!!
:- old bat
This Hungarian by birth and war criminal by trai should just drop dead.