Need a job? George Soro’s is hiring professional protesters for Trump rallies. If you are not afraid to mix it up, throw rocks at cops, get peppered sprayed for your violent antics, then this job might be just what you are looking for.
Most recently, these paid protesters were seen raising a ruckus in Albaqueree, New Mexico and were organized 100% by a grassroots political organizations the Red Nation and the “Party for Socialism and Liberation”, PSL for short. These organizations, both extreme in their ideology and hate for capitalism are funded by George Soros, a man who has gained much, thanks to the free market capitalism in America.
These groups recruited using fliers calling to “Shut Trump Down”. Earlier in the year, in Wisconsin, more Soros’ paid protestors were recruited via a Craigslist ad. Truth and Action wrote, “A curious thing recently showed up on Craig’s List, the digital local newspaper that offers everything from free household items to employment opportunities to paid sexual services. In this case, it was an ad on Tuesday morning inviting pro-Bernie Sanders people in Wisconsin to protest against Donald Trump for $15 an hour.”
Read about the Albuquerque’s professional protestors on the next page.
Arrest Communist$#%&!@*George Soros, and freeze his back accounts. Freeze his bank accounts. Sue him for all the damages done by protesters/riots, to obtain all the funds needed, to repair all the damage done to buildings, public service cars, equipment, loss of businesses, injuries to innocent people, and on and on. In addition, take funds from his accounts to pay the tax payer back, refund the tax payers for all the money that was taken away from important services to people such as the vets.
Hopefully Trump can find a way to stop that pos!
He owns Apple,voting machines too
Soros needs to be in prison or better yet I understand Putin is looking for him
Paid protestors?
Paid protestors?
No surprise here!
Why isn’t George Soros in JAIL!???
George Soros is a liberal,socialist trouble maker who paid for that non-american aferican to be president and made false credentials for him attending and receiving a law degree from a school that can provide transcripts for or anyone who remembers him being in any classes! He should be kicked out of the country. His money is all that keeps him alive.!!
Get this schmuck out of the country!