Almost every single member of the former Obama administration was actively working to attack [now] President Donald John Trump.
Only 1 in 10,000 FISA warrant requests were denied during former President Barack Obama’s last 6 years in office. Even more shocking, Obama’s first attempt to wiretap then-candidate Trump’s presidential campaign was the first such FISA warrant to be denied in 2016.
How could this be? Well, the question is really how did they get through the already shaky legal jurisdiction surrounding the surveillance state’s ability to spy on private citizens. The answer to that entwines none other than Obama’s own former right-hand woman.
As the Nunes memo reveals the FISA warrants to spy on former Trump 2016 presidential campaign aid Carter Page was based on lies and the distortion of the bogus dossier put together by Fusion GPS upon request of the DNC. But somewhere in here lies the truly diabolical nature of the varmint swarming the Obama administration
Head on over to the next page to learn how former Attorney General Loretta Lynch pulled the strings to bypass the law and spy on Trump
This is what I don’t understand…if it’s reported and true that he broke 75+ laws…or even one…then why has he not been arrested? Or, and I sincerely hope this is not the case, but the reporting here is as sensationalized and untrue, or at least unknown, and so would be no better than CNN or MSNBS. I don’t see or understand how it isn’t one way or the other. Either arrest these traitors or shut the hell up with headlines that lead you into reading the article only to find the article doesn’t support the headline…really frustrating…
Theses two criminals pictured should pay for what they have done trying to destroy our country.
All your lies coming to light your next obama
Obama’s administration was nothing more than a criminal organization
They fear blacks will riot
We knew just been nlocked from everyone who took bribes
They will throw her under the bus
The same AG that met Clinton on the Tarmac? This woman has a history!
I agree with you David WTH!