If resettling Syrian or other immigrants in our cities is such a virtuous thing, why all this extraordinary secrecy?
We’re talking about the actions of politicians here. Say what you want about their consistency or lack thereof, but one thing you can almost always count on is that they will publicize and take credit for their alleged positive accomplishments, deserved or not. So instead of employing stealth in resettling these folks, one would expect our elected leaders to do it with great fanfare. But that’s not what’s happening. Stealth is winning, so far, and appears to be the preferred technique for resettling immigrants in U.S. towns.
A mayor of such a town and the leader of a non-profit just got caught attempting to employ stealth to bring 100 Syrians to that town. You are going to love what Judicial Watch discovered and just released. You’ll find it all on the next page.
Open border forced mass terrorist invasion to destroy the country for new satanic commie world. Vote Trump.
This shows how corupt and lying the slimy snake the communist schooled muslim obuma really is, the rot in our so called government is no ending,he will go to any illegal self serving ways to achieve his agenda, and to hell with America and it’s TRUE citizens!!!!!!!!!!…………….Lee S.
All these mayors and city councilmen that have broken their oath to the american people will have to pay the consequences
Stop watching these lies and distractions about Trump and keep your eyes on these turds.