Revealed: Democratic Party Operatives Scheme to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies, Create Voter Fraud on Massive Scale

James O’Keefe is treading on dangerous ground.  By releasing videos produced by his “Project Veritas” revealing extensive criminal conspiracies to rig the election for Hillary, he has directly confronted the most corrupt and powerful political machine operating in our nation.  Operating under a “whatever it takes, legal or otherwise” principle, this web of collaborators is determined to get Hillary elected regardless of what method is used.  Dangerous business, revealing this sort of corruption.

A sample of O’Keefe’s findings will illustrate some of the players involved and the techniques used in attacking the Trump campaign beginning with “bird-dogging.”

“Bird-dogging” as used by these folks consists of infiltrating the opposing campaign’s political events and rallies with operatives whose goal is to provoke specific audience members.  Once an audience member is pushed to the point of violence, video is taken of the audience member attacking the provocateur for later release to the media.

O’Keefe explains:

O’Keefe’s extensive video investigation reveals that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) are involved in “bird-dogging” and other provocative tactics through a web of consultants led by Robert Creamer, a veteran Chicago activist and convicted felon who is thought to have planned Democrats’ political strategy during the push for Obamacare in 2009 and 2010.

Creamer is also the co-founder of Democracy Partners, a consulting group that, according to Project Veritas videos, apparently contracts directly with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, and that works with an array of super PACs and consultants to organize, film and publicize their provocations.

A number of laws are being broken here including the prohibition of super PACs coordinating with the political campaigns they are supporting.

Creamer affirms on one video that Clinton is aware of “all” of his work, and that Democracy Partners has a daily telephone call with the Clinton campaign to coordinate efforts.

Hillary is well-aware of the illegal tactics being employed in her behalf.  Her protestations to the contrary are ridiculous.

O’Keefe and his team also obtained hidden camera videos showing one of Creamer’s consultants, Scott Foval, describing “bird-dogging,” among other tactics, and taking credit for having instigated violence at several Republican events during the 2016 election cycle.

Continuing his investigation into this criminal conspiracy to rig the election, O’Keefe reveals how they work to give the Clinton campaign and Hillary cover in case their operation is exposed, and how money is sloshed around.

Foval also explains how the operation is set up to allow the DNC and the Clinton campaign “plausible deniability” in the event that the true nature of the deliberate violence is discovered: “The thing that we have to watch is making sure there’s a double-blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we’re doing. There’s a double-blind there, so that they can plausibly deny that they heard anything about it.”

He explains the flow of money in “rapid response” operations: “The campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, the Foval Group goes and executes the shit on the ground.”

Relaying information around in a complex effort to skirt campaign laws is standard procedure.

O’Keefe’s team has also uncovered evidence that Democratic consultants may have been relaying messages to and from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and super PACs using a system one consultant called “the Pony Express.” Campaigns and Super PACs are not permitted by law to coordinate with each other.

Finally, here’s another sample of the corruption that is just standard for the Clinton campaign.  Note that the name, “Soros” appears.

This second investigation features an undercover Project Veritas reporter posing as a Democratic Party donor brainstorming an elaborate voter fraud scheme to fraudulently register people to vote in various states using the lax voter registration policies currently in place.

Like O’Keefe’s first video, the second also prominently features Democratic operatives Robert Creamer and his colleague Scott Foval, who was removed from his position at the leftwing advocacy group Americans United for Change on Monday as a result of O’Keefe’s investigation. O’Keefe notes that at the time the second video was shot, Foval “worked for People for the American Way, an organization funded in large part by George Soros.”

In the video, Foval is heard saying, “We manipulated the vote with money and action, not with laws.”

So Hillary and her campaign are paying people to instigate violence to promote her candidacy.  And campaign finance laws are just ignored. Acknowledging the illegal nature of their activities, a web of deception is created to attempt to give the candidate and her campaign officials an “out” if this corruption is exposed.

If this is a Hillary Clinton campaign, can you image what a Hillary Clinton presidency would be like?


Source:  Breitbart

Source:  Breitbart


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