According to Reuters, the poll numbers for both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump aren’t completely accurate. This claim was made when they discovered a 17-point swing in favor of Donald Trump.
Could this be the “secret” Trump voters that liberals feared? Seeing how this is one of the most heated elections in history, many are refraining from admitting who they’re voting for until poll day.
Why? Because nobody wants to offend anybody, which means that admitting your choice to friends and family that might not feel the same way, could put a few nails in the metaphorical coffins that are those relationships.
Read how Reuters found about their underreporting on the next page.
We MUST STOP CORRUPT CROOKED LYING KILLARY !!!!!…..Copied from Susan: Worth taking the time to read because this story is starting to leak out from FBI agents and others “who are in the know” inside the Washington beltway! The agents at the FBI are livid that Comey did what he did. They are claiming there was more than sufficient evidence to bring several indictments against Hillary Clinton. It wasn’t a slam dunk case, but it had more than a good probability of a conviction for Hillary Clinton. Lynch and Obama made it clear to Comey that if he pressed for an indictment, he would be taking the Democrat nominee for president out of the election. If he failed to get a conviction he would be facing charges of tampering with and changing the outcome of a federal election, to which he would be facing the rest of his life in prison, and Obama and Lynch, as well as others, would see to it that he did. Now you know why he presented his case the way he did and why it was so obvious he was reluctant to not press for an indictment. Hillary’s statement to the FBI was intentionally given without a court reporter present or without any recording of her testimony to prevent her from having any further exposure to legal charges like perjury. If she lied to Congress, they have no written FBI deposition to confront Hillary with. This was set up to let her walk without fear of being charged with giving False Testimony or being charged with Obstruction of Justice. This is what those in the “legalese world” call a “Straw Man” legal charge. (It is a charge designed to make someone appear innocent of the charges!)…VOTE TRUMP !!!!!!!!
You can change everything ou want. The American people know. We aren’t stupid.
pres. Trump 2016!
Of course they do. Fortunately, voters don’t care about polling. The only important polling will be in November. Hillary will need all the dead voters she can get.
trump ahead 45 percent nationally and growing
She rigged it again!!
No longer can depend on polls unbelievable! Just everybody be sure and vote Trump!
The voting American Citizens must understand that the 2016 presidential election is the most important election in their lifetime.
Hillary is aligned with the Saudis and Muslim brotherhood. She has accepted millions of dollars from throughout the Middle East for her presidential campaign. We all know that those who receive must also repay their benefactors.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for more Muslim immigration and the establishment of sharia law in the USA. What is sharia law? It is Islamic law based upon the Quran. When American citizens accept sharia law, they accept the following:
1. that a woman who has been raped should be stoned to death because she has shamed her family.
2. People convicted of theft should have their hands cut off as punishment.
3. Non Muslims should be crucified, beheaded, tortured, murdered because they do not believe in the Muslim prophet.
4. Children can be used for Muslim sexual gratification from birth to adulthood because pedophilia is legal in Islam.
5. All homosexuals should be tortured and murdered.
6. Women must be covered in fabric from their head to their toes or they will be lashed.
7. Women are only worth 1/2 of a man.
8. A woman must have 4 male witnesses to testify on her behalf in her rape trial.
9. Little girls are married off to old men at the age of 8 or 9.
10. School age boys are trained and kept as sex slaves.
11. That a priest can have his throat slit during mass in a Catholic Church.
12. No free speech. No freedom of religion. Only Islam.
Remember that regardless of what Hillary says, she intends to disarm us and turn America into a Muslim state. Hillary and her family have sold us out for their own financial gain. A vote for Hillary is a vote for repeal of our Bill of Rights. Learn from the murders, rapes, and assaults throughout Europe.
) ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Adviser.2) CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.3) ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Obama Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney.4) ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.5) ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.6) CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.Etc… etc… Get the picture?
They protect the Dems and promote Dems….