A retired American general has revealed how “demoralizing” it has been to serve under Obama. Why are we not surprised? In fact, we’d be surprised if this were not the case. Whether serving under Obama has been worse than serving under Bill Clinton remains unknown. But neither of these presidents showed the respect owed to those in uniform.
In what can only be described as a depressing look into a possible future, it’s been reported that Hillary has shown no respect or even decency to military personnel all the way back to her days of usurping power from her husband during his presidency.
What has the retired general actually said?
The narcistic sociopath is leaving
Who won’t start leading to shut this$#%&!@*down? Military and the police department, come on we need leadership
Not surprising.
That’s exactly RIGHT when Rotten lying Hilary Clinton was in White House with Bill copulating so many women she despised and hated ALL miltery and branches of service she was just hateful to them true and fact could YOU imagine her President I could she would be a disaster to our country she is plum wicked
why did you not do something ??????stand for your country ??
Of course it is.
At least when I served it was not under Mr0.
#thanksobama…you massive failure and black eye to the USofA.
All of America can feel the demoralization of Obama’s hateful dictatorship….VOTE FOR TRUMP….PUT AMERICANS FIRST !!!
That”s because it is difficult to serve under someone immoral.
Heyyyyyy Hussein, I hope to God , you leave this country TRAITOR!!!!