A retired American general has revealed how “demoralizing” it has been to serve under Obama. Why are we not surprised? In fact, we’d be surprised if this were not the case. Whether serving under Obama has been worse than serving under Bill Clinton remains unknown. But neither of these presidents showed the respect owed to those in uniform.
In what can only be described as a depressing look into a possible future, it’s been reported that Hillary has shown no respect or even decency to military personnel all the way back to her days of usurping power from her husband during his presidency.
What has the retired general actually said?
Hilary hates anything in a uniform from police officers to our military. She was an anti establishment radical in the 60’s who supported Black Panthers and other subversive anti American groups and her attitude remains the same………..she just hides it now. 🙁
I understand that it had to have been demoralizing for any military person to serve under Abama He did everything he could to cripple our military.
Thank you for tht information Sir. Trump will help us.
I can Only imagine!!!!!
See, he’s looking down his nose again. That’s a sign of arrogance and narcissism. We’ll see. Trump all the way to the WH!!
What else could it be when you are serving under the devil!
I feel your pain!
im sure. im sure
i for one know it was his plan
This is one reason I don’t want Hillary elected president.. She is not good for our soldiers..they need a good support system.