A retired American general has revealed how “demoralizing” it has been to serve under Obama. Why are we not surprised? In fact, we’d be surprised if this were not the case. Whether serving under Obama has been worse than serving under Bill Clinton remains unknown. But neither of these presidents showed the respect owed to those in uniform.
In what can only be described as a depressing look into a possible future, it’s been reported that Hillary has shown no respect or even decency to military personnel all the way back to her days of usurping power from her husband during his presidency.
What has the retired general actually said?
Heres a nice link if anyone still needs to register or wants voter info.
Trump train rolling – Headed for the white house!
All we can do is pray our country survives until Trump is elected and inaugurated. Pray Obummer doesn’t pull any under handed tactics to remain in the white house. He is a disgrace to our country. We have become a joke in the eyes of other countries. We were always considered to be the strongest country before Obummer started tearing it down with his racist, Muslim self. He has stripped our military down to practically nothing. He has an agenda there. I think it is to have our country as a Muslim country. God help us all. This evil man needs to be gone and legally should have been. He has violated numerous parts of the Constitution and Congress sits on their sorry butts and does nothing about it. They either need to do the job they are paid to do or get the hell out of the way and let someone who is not afraid of Obummer take over and do what needs to be done. Impeach and imprison.
It’s Been Demoralizing To Be A Citizen Of The US With These ASSHOLES In Charge(?)!!!!
People say Obama has failed America, no he has been trying to destroy America and if people don’t wise up Hillary will succeed in finishing Obama’s plan to destroy America
I bet it is!
Do you notice that so many pictures of Obama show him looking down his nose at everyone? Good thing he thinks so highly of himself because no one else does.
Obama is no role model or leader.
He is a traitor to this wonderful country