A retired American general has revealed how “demoralizing” it has been to serve under Obama. Why are we not surprised? In fact, we’d be surprised if this were not the case. Whether serving under Obama has been worse than serving under Bill Clinton remains unknown. But neither of these presidents showed the respect owed to those in uniform.
In what can only be described as a depressing look into a possible future, it’s been reported that Hillary has shown no respect or even decency to military personnel all the way back to her days of usurping power from her husband during his presidency.
What has the retired general actually said?
Typical Barry, savouring the smell of goatshit during Islamic prayer
Step up military, we need you to protect America from Obama. Our government is so corrupt that they are letting Obama ruin this country.
he want this to be a muslim country
Speak out any way heck with obama
Wish they could have spoke up sooner
Do you know more about ISIS than General Flynn, Obama’s expert on ISIS whom he met with “0” times?
“Retired Army Lt. Gen Michael Flynn, the former director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency is accusing the Obama regime of lying about the rise of ISIS and the assertion that they were somehow caught off guard. He says that far from being surprised by ISIS, the Obama regime allowed them to form in a deliberate act intended to unite Sunni Muslims against the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria.”
UFP News
Newly-Declassified U.S. Government Documents: The West Supported the Creation of ISIS
Posted on May 24, 2015 by Washington blog
Judicial Watch has – for many years – obtained sensitive U.S. government documents through freedom of information requests and lawsuits.
The government just produced documents to Judicial Watch in response to a freedom of information suit which show that the West has long supported ISIS. The documents were written by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency on August 12, 2012 … years before ISIS burst onto the world stage.
Screen shots doc xxx
Why is this important? It shows that extreme Muslim terrorists – Salifists Muslims Brotherhood, and AQI (i.e. Al Qaeda in Iraq) – have always been the “major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.”
This verifies what the alternative media has been saying for years: there aren’t any moderate rebels in Syria
The newly-declassified document continues: xxx
Yes, you read that correctly:
… there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime ….
In other words, the powers supporting the Syrian opposition – the West, our Gulf allies, and Turkey wanted an Islamic caliphate in order to challenge Syrian president Assad.
Sure, top U.S. generals – and vice president Vice President Joe Biden– have said that America’s closest allies support ISIS. And mainstream American media have called for direct support of ISIS
But the declassified DIA documents show that the U.S. and the West supported ISIS at its inception … as a way to isolate the Syrian government.
This is a big deal. A former British Army and Metropolitan Police counter-terrorism intelligence officer and a former MI5 officer confirm that the newly-released documents are a smoking gun.”
The Koran calls Muslims who do not follow sharia law hypocrites who should be killed and who will go to hell. The Arab Spring orchestrated by Obama, Hillary, Muslim Brotherhood who have a working relationship with the Whitehouse, Qatar,Saudi Arabia, Turkey..was to radicalized the middle East and remove the non sharia Muslims of Egypt, Libya and Syria. On the money side is dueling plans for a natural gas pipe line supported by Iran and Syria or one supported by Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar to run through Syria. We cannot simply take the high road by supporting Sunnis while Putin supports Shia and pro Russian Ukrainians. Our State Department has chosen the side of the hard line Salifists. Putin who has an economic interest in Syria is also choosing the side of the non sharia seculars. Putin took out more of ISIS in a few months than Obama did and years. We let ISIS partition Syria and steal Syrian oil, run tankers into Turkey so that ISIS can sell the oil on the world market. Muslims will kill other Muslims simply to further the objective.
Obama personally made sure the rules of engagement would cause migration and civilization jihad to continue. Obama quotes from the Koran and knows what civilization jihad is.
The Koran says that those who migrate for the cause of Allah will receive the same reward as the mujahedeen, the fighters. Migrating for the cause is spreading sharia law around the globe. The Koran says that Allah is the greatest of schemers, and that terror should be used against enemies. Those in charge want is to focus on the terror while sharia spreads. Tactics always change the goals of Islam remain the same. Erdogan said Islam is Islam. In other words, there are no modifiers. The scheme is world wide sharia. One of the ways this is done is through polygamy. Growing the voting block, entering into the political and judicial system…There are those who follow sharia and there are those whom the Koran calls hypocrites who do not. ISIS has led to migration jihad against civilized nations. Hillary who has been bought by George Soros, who controls Hillary’s foreign affairs policy as Soros emails revealed, is also active in pushing the civilization jihad into civilized nations. The end game is crisis, crisis response, police state. Hillary was a student of Alinsky and is using the Alinsky play book to bring down this country. Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersh believes Hillary was involved in the gas attack on children in Syria by the Salifists we trained. McCain entered Syria illegally to organize the resistance force. A huge propaganda machine has been set up in Syria that even disguises hardline Salifists as reporters. They take pictures of kids in war as psychological warfare in order for us to justify going into Syria in order to promote war against Assad. In the Ukraine our government and NATO worked with extreme right wing groups to bring down a Democratically elected pro Russian group in order to place offensive weapons in Ukraine against Russia. Hillary is a war hawk. Our policy with Russia is a cold war agenda. An FBI informant said that if the Clinton foundation is exposed it can bring down the whole government and cause wars. My guess is, the Clinton foundation includes the process of regime changes around the globe and money laundering for weapons. Hillary is a war hawk who will put us into WWIII who is responsible for untold suffering and death.
ISIS was created for migration saturation Jihad.
Migration saturation Jihad or civilization jihad, political jihad, insurrection, war, submission, submission to sharia.
The Koran calls Muslims who do not follow sharia hypocrites who will go to hell.
The Koran says Allah is the greatest of schemers. CAIR is the political jihad wing of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. Almost all Muslim organizations that support sharia are under the umbrella of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. Obama had the Muslim Brotherhood in the Whitehouse, and established a regime change to put Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood operative as dictator in Egypt.
The Countries that Obama, Hillary, Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, attacked, are non sharia run countries. Syria also needs to be taken out in order to run a gas pipeline through Saudi Arabia Qatar Syria and Turkey.
General William Boykin, Admiral Lyons, CIA intelligence specialists Clair Lopez, assistant director of Defense under Reagan, Frank Gaffney who runs the Center for Security policy, Andrew McCarthy, DHS whistle blower Philip Haney, Representatives who have been vilified, all say the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD has infiltrated every level of our government and that at Benghazi we switched sides on the war on terror.
The Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersh believes Hillary was involved in the gas attack on children in Syria. Andrew McCarthy proves that Hillary’ secretary Huma Abiden is Muslim Brotherhood…there is so much more.
If you look at Europe you are seeing the plan of the NWO around 5 years ahead of America. Legalizing polygamy will accelerate the process in America. The Koran explains that those who migrate for the cause of Allah who follow sharia, receive the same reward as the Mujahedeen ( the fighters) since Allah is the greatest of schemers, a scheme is always put in place in order to take over countries. This includes not assimilating ( sharia is a violation of article 6 of the constitution. No representative should put his hand on a Constitution unless he pledges to make sharia a felony) it includes taqiyya the art of deception. Sharia following Muslims cannot be friends with those outside the faith or they will go to hell. Philip Haney the Whistle Blower at the DHS who witnessed Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the DHS the erasing of his files on terrorists and a process of tracking terrorists using a new political correctness that made the office blind . Haney said, every mosque is a stronghold and a sign that sharia has conquered that area . Obama before the United Nations conference said, the future must not belong to those who slander the name of the prophet of Islam. This is the foundation of sharia law. It means, there is no future for those who are not under sharia
Islam has been chosen by those who are pulling the strings in this world for crisis, crisis response, despotism. Blind sheep will accept any shepherd. It is a step toward restructuring the entire globe through crisis response. Trump has thrown a wrench in the game. If Trump took the money and was for TPP then it would not be a problem. The puppet masters including George Soros who controls Hillary’s foreign policy, cannot have Trump. If they cannot destroy him in the election process then they will try and kill him. It is only through miracles that he will survive and do what he needs to do in order to take back this country. The soul of the country needs to change. People need to get down on their knees and pray for this country. Every media source controlled by the NWO has an outright war against TRUMP. The globalist Republicans are in on it.
TPP unites with the European trade agreements and agenda 21 to destroy sovereignty and form a United Nations controlled world trade and environmental court that will control every aspect of your life. There is no man made global warming. It is part of the agenda to enforce agenda 21. Global change is caused by the decrease in the earths magnetic field. Look up what is going on with our magnetic field right now. It will be used for crisis, crisis response. They are attacking Trumps stupid words and flaws to keep you away from how incredibly corrupt Hillary is. She is a vile, liar, narcissistic sociopath. Even her secret service agents speak out about this but they are constantly being cut off by the liberal sheep pundits.
This election is a choice between the NWO or to take back America, plain and simple. It is Brexit on steroids. Liberalism and political correctness give reason to sin and keeps your focus off the eternal soul. Political correctness blinds you to your own destruction. It was simply part of the plan. Wake up and turn to God, and take back our country.
Trump is meeting with the president of Egypt before the debates. This should scare the hell out of Hillary ( Maybe not) Hillary worked with Morcis wife ( Muslim sisterhood) and Obama, Morci, Muslim Brotherhood..to take down the non sharia government of Egypt. This resulted in insurrection, rape, murder of Christians…all in a day’s work.
Egypt is not happy with Obama, Hillary and Obama’s half brother Malik the treasurer for the world wide Muslim Brotherhood.
Should be a very very interesting debate.
Sharia has nothing to do with race. The Muslim problem has nothing to do with race.
Sharia is a ruthless totalitarian political ideology within a religion.
This ideology is incompatible with the Constitution and is a clear violation of article 6 of the Constitution. Even this concept of moderate Muslim or radical, does not properly define the nature of the threat. The Koran says that Allah is the greatest of schemers. The Koran says that those who migrate for the cause of Allah receive the same reward as the mujahedeen or the fighters. The cause is the practice and the submission of the world to sharia law through both violence and conversion’s or slavery. The Koran says that it is unlawful to assimilate in a society governed by the kafir, the non believer. The art of deception must also be practiced in order to promote sharia while the sharia law of polygamy builds the numbers and the voting power within the political system that needs to be destroyed.
Migration or civilization jihad, political jihad, insurrection as the numbers increase, war , submission to sharia or death. Those who believe that Christ was crucified are to be killed. Over and over again in the Koran it talks about ways to do this. ISIS is orthodox Islam. The fight with ISIS is wether or not there will be a Sunni Caliphate or a Shiah Caliphate.
The Koran calls Muslims who do not follow sharia law hypocrites who are to be killed and who will go to hell. The hypocrites are Muslims who do not fight for the cause of Allah which is world wide sharia.
The Arab Spring was to remove non sharia governments. Obama and Hillary , The Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia assisted in this process. After they promoted the coup in Egypt and installed Morci who is Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt took back their country declared the Muslim Brotherhood to be a terrorist organization and Egyptian Newspapers wrote about Obama Hillary and Obama’s brother Malek working with the Brotherhood. This is one of the reasons why our Government has not declared M.B. a terrorist organization. Obama has a working agreement with the M.B. and they have infiltrated every level of our Government.
The take down of Kadaffi, again, a non sharia ruler. The attempt to take down Assad which Hillary will continue to push for, non sharia. Before the war the beach’s in Syria looked like California. Woman, Lawyers, Doctors… It was a eastern Riviera for vacations. The war is against Assad and his people by invaders and hard line Salifists. There is a huge propaganda machine in Syria to keep the deception in order to bring us into the war.
George Soros emails show Soros controlling Hillarys foreign policy and pushing the migration into civilized nations. This is done in order to cause civil wars. We are not to far behind Europe in the process.
This has nothing to do with race, this has to do with the destruction of civilized society.
I am sure. But I thank you for your service. Obama does not speak for me. Never has