Liberals will be hard pressed to tout Obama’s economic success after the retail apocalypse has been fully realized.
With thousands of stores being closed across the country, the Federal Reserve will have a hard time propping up our failed economy with QE and zero-interest polices after confidence is finally completely shattered.
just goes to show more businesss and citizens need to unionize and stop sending jobs over seaes
These are stores that appeal to the rapidly diminishing middle cl$#%&!@*. In America ,very soon, you will either be rich or poor. Welcome to the banana republic my fellow Americans. Soon there will only be high end retail stores and the low end walmart types.
“The Problem with Socialism, is eventually you run out of OTHER people’s money.” – Margaret Thatcher
Another coup for Obama.
Couldn’t have said it better myself
A sign of Obama economic. .
Can’t wait huge sale
Thanks to Obama.
That’s SAD! S-ocialism A-ffects D-emoncRATS too
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