Liberals will be hard pressed to tout Obama’s economic success after the retail apocalypse has been fully realized.
With thousands of stores being closed across the country, the Federal Reserve will have a hard time propping up our failed economy with QE and zero-interest polices after confidence is finally completely shattered.
One word: Walmart
Your a moron Wal-Mart close over 250 store as well.
I knew it, when NAFTA was signed and jobs went out of this country people wouldn’t have money to buy from stores.
But, but…..the economy is so great. NOT.
Melvin r. Blann III, the bottom line is the reason businesses stay in business.
CRS – when Sears was concentrating on their “bottom line” they did so in part by ignoring their solid base customers. So while bottom line is important for a business it has to be balanced to serve their customer base. If not, they, as well as their bottom line goes right down the tube! You can’t stay in business (unless you’re a socialist) without customers, because without customers, you have no bottom line.
Elizabeth Schroeder
They are going to make more money converting them to fema holding centers than keeping them open. I have been told this administration plans on crashing the dollar in October of this year.
I hate seats n their Kmart overpriced..junk
So glad ours is closing
Government buildings shelters because citizens no there out to kill and be another hitlers
Carol Sharek your right !