According to The American Mirror, a local resident from Arlington, Virginia called 911 to report a man walking “very deliberately” with a hybrid Confederate flag thrown over his shoulder.
The report states that the flag had the Gadsden “Don’t Tread On Me” snake embedded in the middle.
If this doesn’t serve as an indication of how lost our nation is…
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He was probably killed by the local police…they more than likely feared for their lives…
Good for that deliberate walking resident!
Go Trump Card, Go Kid Rock, Go Lynyrd Skynyrd, Go Ted Nugent, Go America
How stupid is that
It his civil right. PERIOD
Amen Deb.
its his right to run with that flag if that’s what he feels like doing
my kind of guy with this flag !
Oh no its an American
Call these $#%&!@* fingers out all ways try n to fck people with there finger pointing bull sht