According to The American Mirror, a local resident from Arlington, Virginia called 911 to report a man walking “very deliberately” with a hybrid Confederate flag thrown over his shoulder.
The report states that the flag had the Gadsden “Don’t Tread On Me” snake embedded in the middle.
If this doesn’t serve as an indication of how lost our nation is…
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I want to repost this on my page but I don’t know how. Help me please .
$#%&!@* $#%&!@* just like in Germany call the gestapo report your friends a works. What a sorry group of loser stupid Americans
to many stupid people out there calling for somthing that is our right to do if we want to
It’s NOT a crime, it is only a wild imagination of a crazed person looking for excitement !!!
The cons$#%&!@*ution doesnt say everyone has to agree with your statements or point of view, but you have the right to express it. We have a lot of folks that need to take their sensitive commie buts to Russia or Cuba.
Ridiculous. That’s not what 911 is for. Politically correct BS.
Did the cops arrest the 911 caller for false emergency?
I thought this was America and he is doi g nothing illegal, so my question is what kind of f*cking morons would warrant this action worth of a 911 call? Honestly, the stupidity of people continues to amaze me!