According to The American Mirror, a local resident from Arlington, Virginia called 911 to report a man walking “very deliberately” with a hybrid Confederate flag thrown over his shoulder.
The report states that the flag had the Gadsden “Don’t Tread On Me” snake embedded in the middle.
If this doesn’t serve as an indication of how lost our nation is…
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Thank you Ken Stout. I am now more informed. My stance on these issues remain the same. Wherefore when I was young I was taught only the south had slaves and their treatment was purposeful and for self advancement. Never thinking about or worried about slave welfare sometimes to a point of not letting them get educated. I was raised in a black neighborhood more on the edge. I felt bad about myself after learning out of books whose authors and print shops were from northern States. And I believed it. But no more. I’ve educated myself and greatly desire that everyone does. I know the truth and Obama and his cronies be dammed. Obama is not black , he’s Muslim.
So exactly what law was he breaking that you would call 911?
What do I see? Simply history.
Falsely calling 911 for non emergency should be jail time
Thank you Ken i couldn’t have said it any better
I agree. Arrest the idiots who called 9-1-1. Talk about wasting the time of the emergency team, unless they got a strait jacket for the caller.
great he does have the right. people better screw their head on straight. Being an American how can your history offend anyone but build pride knowing where you started. Today Slavery finished 150 year Racism before President Obama was even a issue. President Obama has create a false image of Racism!! The small amount of people that has been racist all along are now able to come out publicize their racism and show their Bigotry. They make it appear to be worse then it is. In a recent survey conducted 28% of whites and 15% of blacks said that they see racism as a small problem or no problem at all. 73% of those that surveyed said African Americans have reached or will soon reach equality. See this Flag can be an oxymoron with some. The flag had nothing to do with slavery it was the flag in place at a time the Black land owner brought in Slavery too the South. Then the Black land owner seen a opportunity to make money through Slavery they started sell.
If I had one of those flags I would join him !
Seriously!how stupid is this going to get!!!?
That’s okay, he’s on a public sidewalk, n not in your yard keep on walking.!!!