According to The American Mirror, a local resident from Arlington, Virginia called 911 to report a man walking “very deliberately” with a hybrid Confederate flag thrown over his shoulder.
The report states that the flag had the Gadsden “Don’t Tread On Me” snake embedded in the middle.
If this doesn’t serve as an indication of how lost our nation is…
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Find something to complain about next time.
So its his right last i checked this is supposed to be a Free Country
I would also like to add to this wonderful Comment that the southern states actually succeeded and therefore it was not a civil war, but a war to force the south back into the union.
Lincoln was a racist and is seen as one of the greatest presidents however; he trampled on states rights, a clear violation of the cons$#%&!@*ution.
If the “civil war” was about ending slavery why did the south end slavery two years before the north? Why did Lincoln promise that any state that rejoined the union would be allowed to keep slaves?
Thus war of northern aggression was about money. Plain and simple the north didn’t have the money to stand alone as a country.
I see a part of history in it that you are proud to be from the south.
He needs a friend & now a days you don’t have nothing but a bunch of as- holes