You may have read the stories over the past month or so about how well the House is being run by the new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan. They say that bipartisanship is at its highest level in recent memory, as bills that have previously resulted in threats of debt default or government shutdown passed with a relative lack of legislative drama. They say that this could be a new era of congressional cooperation.
Well, that’s what you get when you pair Dems with RINOs.
After Paul Ryan told his colleges that he had received a “promise” from Harry Reid, many thought the premise was so absurd that it was a joke.
The reason behind their skepticism stems from Harry Reid’s long legislative history of back room deals and shady congressional rule-bending. They simply don’t trust the man, and perhaps rightly so.
So while Paul Ryan may think that he has made an agreement with the top Democrat in the Senate, his fellow congressman think that that is nothing more than laughable.
See the specifics of Paul Ryan’s speech, as well as his colleague’s responses, on the next page:
They better do more than talk about it being “laughable “. Sadly mistaken if they think that absolves them from responsibility or blame. They need to earn the money they are paid & represent the views of the constituency that elected them.
What is going on?
A h
Thats disgusting. If people want Democrats they would have voted for them. And people wonder why people are attracted to Trump and he is forgiven for all the outrageous things he says but he is small change next to these “acceptable” insults and outrages.
Perfect example of stupidity
Evidently ryan has had his head in the sand for the last 7 years or he would know what a corrupt politician reid or he is part of the corruption which is probably the case! !!!
Obryan doin the Irish jig
shortest lived faith, in one rep, in history….loser
Ryan is a big joke