The House claimed a major victory today as Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) led Republicans to a 217-213 House vote to repeal ObamaCare.
This has been a long road for Republicans since the then-led Democrat House forced the ObamaCare monstrosity down the throats of Americans.
It remained the pivotal issue of two presidential races and spurred the creation of the Tea Party movement, but never broke into mainstream approval.
The Washington Times elaborated:
As the vote was announced, GOP leaders cheered and applauded while Democrats, who unanimously voted against the repeal, serenaded them with a rendition of the song “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye” – a prediction that Republicans who backed the plan would pay for it at the ballot box.
GOP lawmakers exiting the Capitol were met with shouts of “Shame!” from a throng of protesters before they loaded onto buses headed for a celebration at the White House.
Democrats are severely deluded if they believe that this is a negative for the Republicans. The entire reason for their historic (with a capital “H”) losses at the ballot box over the past decade was due in large part to their unilateral passage of this bill in the first place. Obamacare was a boon for Republicans who were handed victories in the House, the Senate, the Presidency, State Houses, and Governors Seats all over the country.
The “throngs” of protesters were most likely a few dozen who were also bussed in from a remote location, bought and paid for by the Soros initiative to delegitimize the president.
Congratulations to President Trump, House Republicans (for finally seeing the Big Picture) and the American People (for having the faith to not support Establishment hacks)!
Source: The Washington Times
It was just a matter of time! Nobody liked The Obama Care! It was the worst thing ever. Especially his terms.
Obamacare$#%&!@*Unaffordable and created to fail. What a legacy.
It is not something to smile or joke about. It is something that had to be done for the good of the American people.
We have to really look at what this site is claiming is Trumps fault. Amazing, do not lets sites like this sway you.
Paul Alan Dorich this is your hero
Its official Obama care is dead
Why can’t we get the parties together and medical profession to come up with a sensible health care law.
In quoting Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senate Minority Leader, he claimed that the victory at their hands was assured after he warned the Republicans that they would be personally held responsible by constituents for a GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWN!–it’s a sad day when we as a nation allow one bully in Washington to not only dictate our budgets but to use the same damn MO time and time again on the weak legged republicans in office. IMO washington is getting like a boxing match with each other winning a round now and then so they can brag on the round won while we americans are still sitting and waiting for the last punch.. What is going to happen, what will the ending be like and who the hell is going to come out on top. As usual the fighters come out with the purse strings and we are left footing the bill and dealing with the consequences..I am not so optimistic I guess as some as I think it’s a dog and pony show and end the end we are going to have the same thing–A divided nation, a divided government and divided families on who’s right and who’s wrong. I dont’ see a win here just because one side wants something and voted to get it as it still has to go through the other side and we’re going to get the same THREAT OF SHUTTING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT.. So maybe it’s time to shut it down and let it stay closed until we get people that fight for America FIRST..
Totally! The worst!