The Republican party is a mess, these days. Too many RINOs and puppets.
In the party leadership’s attempt to dance on both sides of the aisle, they’ve starting coming across like democrat lite, the most guilty of which is John Boehner. While he pushes to move forward with Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, he’s been met with full rebellion by House republicans and a resolution that could remove him from speakership.
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Remove this lier from his lofty position as House Speaker. Please do not count on Boehner to do what he says he will do to thwart Obama’s plans. Either Boehner is spineless or is on the take from the Democratic Party. He is a disgrace to the conservative movement.
Both Boehner and McConnell have a lot of explaning about not honoring their promises. I saw McConnell when he said that they couldn’t do anything about Obamacare and immigration and all the executive orders that Obama has made until the republicans have all three branches of government. I do not remember him saying that during the election process. I remember him saying that he would repeal Obama care and stop Obama from doing any more damage to America. Boehner and McConnell need to do what they said they would or resign and let in someone else that will.
We need to get rid of CREEP BOEHNER!!!
The “good ole boys club”drank to much Bama koolaid, they act just like him a bunch of town drunks!
Boehner and McConnell need to be gone !
Get rid of this poor excuse of a leader!!!
John Baynor $#%&!@*, is a spineless worthless backstabbing Democrat
. I think its time for him to go. Another good reason for term limits.
“And when they gone, they STAY gone,,,,or they BE gone.”
This man should be thrown out he
Is a traitor with others also