The Republican party is a mess, these days. Too many RINOs and puppets.
In the party leadership’s attempt to dance on both sides of the aisle, they’ve starting coming across like democrat lite, the most guilty of which is John Boehner. While he pushes to move forward with Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, he’s been met with full rebellion by House republicans and a resolution that could remove him from speakership.
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Ride him out of town on a rail. Tared and feathered
Hang a bottle of scotch on a long stick and rope over his head. He will follow it anywhere
This guy has to go! And, take McConnell with him!!!!
Get rid of him
Obama lover !
I may b to late to repair the damage he has caused. Along with mccain. And Graham
It’s a shame they all get used to having their cake and eating it too.
Take Mcconell too.
I wonder how much $#%&!@* and McConnell and McCain were paid to betray their cons$#%&!@*uents….they are democrats in all but name
this POS needs to be shipped off to ISIS says this conservative republican