The Republican party is a mess, these days. Too many RINOs and puppets.
In the party leadership’s attempt to dance on both sides of the aisle, they’ve starting coming across like democrat lite, the most guilty of which is John Boehner. While he pushes to move forward with Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, he’s been met with full rebellion by House republicans and a resolution that could remove him from speakership.
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Remove that clown a sad sack
Needs to go useless Bam Beams bud.
John Boehner must go.
I think we need a new leader some one who will do something
Got to go drunk idiot
Attempts are NOT acceptable,…… he MUST be thwarted ! ! ! If not, O’$#%&!@* will continue to betray America ! ! ! SHAME on the 8th District of Ohio ! ! ! You folks need a real ball check, a wake up call, or something,………….
impeach them all and charge them all with treason ,seize all their $#%&!@*ets and hang them all for treason.
A leader he isn’t.