The Republican party is a mess, these days. Too many RINOs and puppets.
In the party leadership’s attempt to dance on both sides of the aisle, they’ve starting coming across like democrat lite, the most guilty of which is John Boehner. While he pushes to move forward with Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, he’s been met with full rebellion by House republicans and a resolution that could remove him from speakership.
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HE NEEDS TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why would the Democrats want to get rid of him. He is the best ally they have.
He should be out, I think he should have run as a Demoncrats, that is how he acts
He has done nothing to fight back or stop obama….had he been willing to do that…maybe much of what has happened up to now … it would not be this bad…the two leaders should have forced this Iran deal as a treaty …it would never have p$#%&!@*ed…executive orders by this president has destroyed nations, lives, hope, our economy, our health care system, our educational system, invasion of illegals and not muslims…I hope not and millions have died, sold for sex slavery, fleeing for their lives, homes destroyed…blood all over the hands of obama and his corrupt, knee-bowing dems and this guy to the wants and demands of this lawless president.
John Boehner you disappoint me.
They are so divided among themselves!That’s why their party is so weak!
for all those who oppose a peace deal with iran i suggest we send YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY to fight on the front lines !!!
get rid of this idiot. Republicans, do something for once in ur lives u sissies
Wow…you are talking tough…