Republican Judge: “Absolutely no value” in Studying Constitution, Bill of Rights and Post–Civil War Amendments “do not speak to today”

Republican Judge: “Absolutely no value” in Studying Constitution, Bill of Rights and Post–Civil War Amendments “do not speak to today”

One of the biggest problems facing the United States today is a higher education system overloaded with academics who are corrupting and confusing their students with outright hogwash. Their outsize egos allow them to postulate on virtually anything as if their twisted opinions were verifiable truth. And because they hold the power of the grade over the heads of students, budding scholars generally buckle to their persuasions. It is even worse since the reasoning and critical thinking skills of the children are virtually non-existent these days.

It is also clear that academia is overflowing with Lefties, and the universities scarcely allow a non-Marxist or non-socialist in the door for an interview. So much for diversity, where conservative educators simply need not apply. And so we now hear from a law professor and jurist, and well-respected he, who thinks he is much wiser and prepared than the founders and the U.S. Constitution, which he finds antiquated and of little value. It is a stunning and frightening look at who is teaching the nation’s youth.

See who has no further use for the founders or the Constitution, page 2:

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  1. Raymond Troy triplett

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