“It’s a journalist’s job to remain neutral.” During the National Anthem? What are you Swedish? Come on!
While the National Anthem played at the beginning of the GOP presidential primary debate, most reporters did not stand to honor the flag.
I suppose it is their First Amendment right to not stand, as well as it is to report on what they have heard and thought about the debate. But seriously, the video on page 2, as reporters flagrantly ignore the good form in standing for the National Anthem, makes them look like spoiled toddlers.
Neutrality? Are they Americans or not? I call B.S!
I wish there could have been someone there who would start kicking butts and taking names. I would and have.
I may not be proud of everything that happened in America’s history, but I am never ashamed to be AMERICAN. I will always pledge my allegiance to my country’s flag and stand during the anthem. Just like everyone does in every other country. There is no neutral.
I agree with you. Liberals and the revisionist history that they spout have gotten crazy. As a whole, America is and always has been a great country. What all libs need to do is actually study world history of the past 5,000 years. True history. man by our very nature can be cruel. America has always treated every country in the world with medicine, food, aid in crisis, etc. The UN has an agenda and in order for it to work they need half of us to flip and turn against our country. These weak minded, spoiled idiots have been able to enjoy all that America offers , to the point, that they now act like spoiled brats. sadly, it is America’s greatness that has caused this. These fools and most libs come from middle or upper class homes. they have never felt a days distress when it comes to hardships over food, water, war, etc. This country prosperred so well that these idiots hate the very country that allows them to exhibit these behaviors. I am going to find out what papers did this and boycott their sponsors.
And it’s even more important that they remain stupid
Taking their lead from their president and his significant other.
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@Sandra. I guess I was just never taught to. God Jehovah Bless you for doing it 🙂
These non-dedicated acts are the same brainwashing techniques they have been cramming into the heads of our children for some time. Probably these reporters are of the generation who haven’t the slightest idea what being patriotic and loyal to our country means. If kids are being prevented from saying the National Anthem at schools or other events, if the U.S. flag is no longer flown at schools, children will not be loyal to our country nor know the meaning of “freedom”. They can’t know, what they don’t know, and they won’t know, because they were never taught. They were never taught, because the federal government, a long time ago, started dictating what subjects and material they will learn in school. Parents were working to support their families and were sleeping through this phase of education. This generation of history portrays a different picture of the America we knew.
They need a serious attitude ajustment .