Is it at all possible that you have been “chipped” at some time in your life and have not known it? The short answer is “of course!” But perhaps we should delve a bit into the facts…or at least the information that we have at this point that could serve to answer certain questions dealing with our everyday behavior and how our “mood” can be modulated like a radio frequency. Also, we can look at the various methods of how such “chipping” could be undertaken without our knowledge.
Leak Project has put together a 45-minute video that goes into some semi-detailed information regarding this subject, but to truly get the most out of it, Truth and Action will try to boil down the video to key points and elements that help explore this very complicated and creepy subject.
With that in mind, turn the page to read about how you may have had a microchip (or more than one microchip) implanted into your body or insinuated into your life without ever having been aware of it!
Marlene Zyski
Your ads cover the entire article so they can’t be read
Dangerous chip to human body because it will be affect our body skin and our health life too
Glitter is the$#%&!@*herpes of craft supply
Amen i don’t ever want one.
I’m not that important
Left are mentally sick, they want one world order, they want a dictator government like$#%&!@* i don’t understand it at all, they want all of your guns taken away do only the big wigs on the left have guns have you never thought all of you small left they can take anything you have and give it to anyone they want to and if you don’t like it , since you now have no gun, they shoot you. You have no voice .
When you democrats look into a mirror,that’s when you truly are looking at an idiot looking right back at you. Lol
You wish.
Wouldn’t that make you feel better about yourself. Bahahahah….we don’t run around acting like loons rioting, beating people up, screaming at the sky, coloring in the “safe space” corner, wearing crotch hats…….
Who has mental illness????? Lol, good one.