The Department of Veteran Affairs has failed so many women and men who have lost life and limb for their country. These soldiers have fought for the right to even have a place called the VA, and yet the bureaucratic nightmare that is government run medicine hurts those who have sacrificed their all.
A new report shows that men and women who have been less-than-honorably discharged are ruled ineligible for Veteran benefits. Former members of the military have been refused benefits at an alarmingly high rate since the inception of the system at the end of World War II. With more than 125,000 veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, that have what are referred to as “bad paper” discharges, these soldiers are precluded from gaining access to care, said the report by the Swords to Plowshares advocacy group.
Read about Joshua Bunn, who has been denied care by the VA on the following page.
That must be because obozo has promised that money to his terrorist, muslim brethren.
But Obummer gives himself more money
I am Sooo sorry to American Warriors..
At least you have a ID card. I tried to sign up but they will not take my application because the value of my house puts me over the dollar limit that was put in by the Obama Administration. They said that they would take my application, but it would be put on the bottom of the pile and if the time would come I lose the house, well, I’ll then be considered and might be moved up and get some VA Hospital Benefits.It does not matter that almost everything I make goes in for the mortgage, Insurance, and property tax, not to mention food and utility bills. As far as upkeep, well, lets hope nothing breaks down for a while. I was also told by the VA officer that before Obama took office I could have signed up no problem for the VA hospital. I guess it was my fault in a way because when I was young I always thought I could sign up with no problem when I got older due to it being one of my VA benefits, but boy was I wrong there. Now being in my 60’s, well, I’ll do the best I can with what I got …………
Where in hell would we be if it were not for these young men? My gosh even one of our Presidents went to Canada so as not to have to go to Viet Nam. This stinks just like our Government to do this!!!
This has to be corrected, we must help our vets.
That is because the government is using the money for refugees and illegals… This is the American way because the Socialist DemocRATS are running the country right into ground.
So so sorry you guys are having problems with VA.. This world is so screwed up…
What right do these VA Dept have to deny any rights???