Hillary Clinton is a noxious, vile woman, and it is a mystery why anyone would want to vote for her or even associate with her. Donald Trump’s nickname for her, Crooked Hillary, truly fits because she lies and obfuscates and twists the truth in so many ways that simply calling her a liar would not suffice. Trump is also clever in calling Clinton out and letting her expose her failings, as happened this past weekend.
Recently Clinton claimed that Trump held a fund raiser for the military but never distributed the money. In fact, he Trump he had pledges of close to $6 million, including $1 million that he personally donated, but he had not released where the money had gone. Clinton claimed that he had kept the money, making him a fraud and a thief, but this past weekend, he released a full accounting, showing a long list of recipient organizations and total distribution of $5.6 million dollars. Trump said it took some time to verify all of the organizations that received money, and that some pledges had still not been received, but it completely exonerated him and showed he was as good as his word. But then Trump turned the tables on Clinton and asked her to indicate how much she and husband Bill have donated to military organizations over the last few years.
In addition to Trump releasing the totals donated to veterans and other military groups, he had this to say at a press conference about the Clinton’s giving; “Find out how much Hillary Clinton’s given to the veterans,” Trump dared reporters gathered at Trump Tower yesterday. “Nothing.”
Read page 2 to see how much Clinton has donated to military organizations:
That draft dodging Bill Clinton doesn’t care about Veterans! He hates our military. Has never been a Commander in Chief!!
Obumer and Killary’s political achievements summed up with LIES, TRAITORS, THIEVES, flooding America with illegal aliens/terrorist for votes, playing race cards, inciting thugs and rewarding rioters then abandoning Ambassadors-Americans-Soldiers and lastly…promising everything but delivering nothing. A president Donald J. Trump will work, protect and build America strong again!
Wonder what she really like under that dress
The clintons are filthy animals
these disgusting people who place their hand over their hearts care for nothing but their selves. They are a disgrace to all vets an soldiers They are a disgrace to the USA.
Peanuts compared to what the Donald has given to our vets.
PrisonPrison PrisonPrison PrisonPrison PrisonPrison for her
Hillary is the more corrupt person in Washington besides Obama. She is the biggest fraud. She brings up things on Trump and then it comes back and bites her in the$#%&!@* Now the deal with Iran is coming back to bite her also. I do not see how people will vote for her without thinking twice about what she will do to this country. It will not longer be One Nation Under God. It will be under Islam.
Hiding under her desk… Till the smoke blows over…