In videos by two different videographers, we see a convoy of helicopters flying over Washington state, each consisting of 7 choppers.
While the color of the helicopters are not discernible in the video, those filming clearly point out that the chopper are white, the color of UN helicopters.
Doesn’t our government do business with the UN?!
Is time we leave the UN
We ,just spot” other Planes Bombing civilians !
I think this is unacceptable
It’s a hind. A Russian gun ship.
We almost totally support the UN, Jim Heyer, but they’re the second most anti-American organization on the planet, right behind the White House.
shoot them down
No UN Obama.
When obama finally places the straw that breaks the camels back he will ask for UN $#%&!@*istance.
Oh my god are people seriously dumb or what those are UH60’S doing formation flying they US ARMY AVIATION AIRCRAFT. They have units at Ft Lewis people haven’t seen them in a while because of the war we were mission focused else ware not we are getting back into peace time mode