According to new research provided by the Washington Free Beacon, the Obama Administration has been . . . wait for it . . . funding terrorism. You might find yourself experiencing a severe lack of surprise from that statement, much like the headlines that use Hillary Clinton and liar in the same sentence. During his eight years in office, President Obama’s decision making capabilities when it comes to foreign policy have been somewhat lacking. This particular situation, however, is quite interesting.
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They always say,family comes first!
Straight up TREASON, giving aid to our enemy is the definition of treason why isn’t this lying muslim already impeached CONGRESS?
I firmly believe this will blow up in his face…in time.
Because obozo is one too!
What has Obama or Hillary done for the Black American, Black American youth that are experiencing 58% unemployment and what have they done for Latinos? NOT A DAMN THING and Black Americans have figured that out. 94 Million people out of work but Obama and Hillary lying to you that it is only 5.6%
Treason !!!!!….obozo is going to pay for this !!!!
And he should be put away in Prison for the rest of his life without parole.