According to new research provided by the Washington Free Beacon, the Obama Administration has been . . . wait for it . . . funding terrorism. You might find yourself experiencing a severe lack of surprise from that statement, much like the headlines that use Hillary Clinton and liar in the same sentence. During his eight years in office, President Obama’s decision making capabilities when it comes to foreign policy have been somewhat lacking. This particular situation, however, is quite interesting.
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Financing their nuclear weapons development of a hostile state, Absolutely, its treason.
And the Morons in Kentucky keep reelecting the loser, thief, who would rather pocket his kickbacks than impeach this criminal in the white house….for that matter ALL the useless republicans are to blame for NOT impeaching him AND funding all his illegal activities.
Why aren’t they getting his muslim$#%&!@*out of the WH & charging him. Do the crime…serve the time.
Because BHO is a Muslim sympathizer.
Is anybody surprised
Then let’s do something about this , talk is cheap
Where is congress! A bunch of corrupt, unethical, useless individuals!
Where does he get all the MONEY? NO WONDER WE ARE BROKE
Try 1.5 B I L L I O N !!!!!!!!$$$$$