Once Barack Obama has left office, he intends to take his Nobel Peace Prize to New York and run for secretary-general of the United Nations. This is interesting, because the UN is just as weak on foreign affairs as Barack Obama. I think they’d make a good fit. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, however, has sworn to do everything he can to subvert Obama’s run for the position.
An aide to PM Netanyahu says that Barack Obama has been the worst President that Israel has had to deal with in recent memory. Netanyahu feels that Barack Obama has moved away from supporting the moderate Islamic factions in the Middle East and instead elected to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and making a weak nuclear pact with Iran. This is not to mention Obama’s support for extremist rebels in the Syrian civil war. In fact, a secretary-general Barack Obama could do more damage than President Barack Obama.
Find out more about Obama’s plan on page 2.
send the UN back to Geneva………..
THROW OUT THE un!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, atleast he will be going back to the sand. US should block him from ever coming back!
I just saw a special about Netanyahu, very impressive. Wish he was our leader. we wouldn’t be in this mess now.
Love we’re getting ready to run the UN right out of our country we don’t want no more to do with a freaking United Nation that would allow people to be surrounded and starved and not do a damn thing about it have knowledge about it and the only reason there did anything about it it’s because the humanity the world stood up and told him they were douchebags
Praying for Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו.
We need to make them get out of our country anyway that is a forien military on American soil what part of this do you not get they have no say here either they should not have prisoner incampments on our soil either wake up people
Do not let this Puke get the UN job. I am 100% behind you.
his record stands for itself but the one thats veiwed by the people the un should look as his track record before even considering this man