Democrats love to lie — and one of their favorites is that voter fraud barely exists in the United States.
They can get away with this lie because they’ve covered up any evidence that can prove them wrong. Take, for instance, Virgina Governor Terry McAullife. In the past year, he made a well-publicized attempt at letting criminals cast illegal ballots. With that effort failed, and the election having taken place, McAullife refused to investigate the effects of voter fraud — even in the face of obvious malpractice.
But Democrats haven’t managed to bury evidence of fraud completely. Despite their best efforts, the truth is coming out. This week, a new report was released that suggests that the number of illegal votes is far higher than anyone expected.
Read the shocking report on the next page:
Maybe that’s how he could tell that Russian that he was going to be reelected in 2012 he already knew
Anyone who’s not supposed to vote will be encouraged by a Democrat illegals the Dead. Democrats vote early and vote often. Remember the Democratic motto it’s not illegal unless you get caught.
We know
We have to fix our voting before this happens again.
Talk about foreign influence and collusion!
That is the only way that commie Muslim won. Crooks helping crooks.
The whole wiedo demicrat stuff is really costing us. They seem to be everywhere. Especially cause this dude and all the nut comunist traitors here and around the world. Wonder if the hogg kid is real or not.
Time for voter ID. Perhaps we do what other countries do by dipping finger in permanent ink after voting.
Then OBOZO needs to lose that title #44