Truthstream Media published a video at the end of last month of a large scale military drill involving 3000 soldiers and numerous military helicopters.
The drill was conducted in the Round Rock/Hutto/Georgetown/Taylor area of Texas, not close a military base.
Truthstream claims to have been told the drill was in preparation for civil unrest. The alternative media source also states they have received numerous reports from all over the country on an increased level of military activity, yet reported on a national level.
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This seems more like an effort to dampen the blow of what may soon be everyday occurrence, slowly integrate in to society as to help blend…
I know and I’m Locked & Loaded David!
They WILL be comming to get US.
By civil unrest I hope you’re talking about the protest going in the Michael Brown situation or the abortionists who are pushing murdering innocent lives, or the Wetboro Baptist Church for their anti-American c**p!
You talk about being educated but one thing your lacking is math. 9/11 happened 14 years ago dumb$#%&!@*.
Marshall Law is imminent, war is imminent. All because uneducated people like yourself put that retard in office. How about all the coverups and lies and all the evidence that supports that? How about all the evidence that points to him not being a citizen of the US? How about the illegal and abuse of presidential executive powers?
Hello Miss’re really preaching to the Choir now!The biggest disappointment and amazement for me is to see all the Night Clubbers & folks just going on about their “Selfish” business like they’re actually been Hypnotized or something and the musicians everywhere on facebook & elsewhere only care about jamming or partying and sleeping around & getting drunk (not all of them but way to many) and alot of them are quite popular and instead of hiding behind their Amps & back stage..THEY could “give back” to communities that’s supported them all these years and WTFU and start learning what the hell has actually been going down while they’re away to their “Never Never Land”!!You see, the ENEMY (our own government) uses very popular Artists & Sports Icons to push so many of their “Long Range Agendas” through by allowing full time Sports TV & hell now..there’s no such thing as “Censure” ControlBoard any more and GOD only knows what the FDA & EPA & CIA & FBI are actually doing for us AMERICAN CITIZENS from the outright Tyranny that’s actually happening in most every major city across The USA??Did you know..that i found out that EVERY MAJOR INCIDENT like Oklahoma City Bombing, WorldTradeTowers, The Gulf of Tonkin incident (Start up reason for full on Vietnam War) Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese was ALREADY KNOWN TO HAPPEN as Roosevelt deliberately instigated The Emperor of Japan to do something BIG against the American People by Influencing THEIR FUEL access and so Roosevelt knew that the Japan would indeed Attack and even when NSA decryptologist had already knew about the Japanese Bombers were already On Their Way to Bomb the daylights outta a whole City of INNOCENT CIVILIANS & MILITARY PERSONELL and that “certain agencies” (most likely Top Echelon Rothschilds Consultants) had told the Military Sending Officers NOT TO SEND the Critical & Impending Life Saving Cl$#%&!@*ified Information until about 3hrs too late!!You see, it’s THESE “Bilderberg Group” SHADOW GOVERNMENT for The USA that get all, these amazing Terrible things to happen to millions of deaths across the globe just by COERCING The US Pentagon & UN & NATO to go after ANYONE who does try to stand in THEIR way!!Remember what happened at Wounded Knee & the WACO, TEXAS David Koresh & his Christian Cult followers were actually encouraged & even $#%&!@*isted it all to happen and notice the Interesting Fervor that these Rogue FBI CIA & Untold Military Operatives that make all this Unnecessary Bloodshed happen? (