Truthstream Media published a video at the end of last month of a large scale military drill involving 3000 soldiers and numerous military helicopters.
The drill was conducted in the Round Rock/Hutto/Georgetown/Taylor area of Texas, not close a military base.
Truthstream claims to have been told the drill was in preparation for civil unrest. The alternative media source also states they have received numerous reports from all over the country on an increased level of military activity, yet reported on a national level.
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7-15-15 /9-25-15 9 states declared enemy marshal law will be declared south southwest military sp ops all branches point setting up in 1000 small cities covert. Never in national history has this been done. Be prepared hopefully our local officials aren’t that nieve and our law enforcement stands up to this uncons$#%&!@*utional act. Military these orders are illegal, I hope you all no $#%&!@* soldiers thought they were patriots to.
Google german soldiers in new mexico.a friend told me about that.
What could go wrong?
Back in the day, we as American’s loved our Country, & what it stood for. We helped our neighbors, & had love/respect for one another. If the Government tried to takeover, We showed the Government who was boss. We had a pair.
Nowadays, we are divided, we are mixed with millions of Illegal Immigrants who hate this Country, & everything it stands for. Our own President keeps using the race card, trying to divide this Country for his own agenda. “Together we Conquer, Divided we Fall”
If the Government tried to takeover today, WE as American’s would not only have to fight the Government, but we’d also have to fight our neighbors. It’s not like it was back in the old days. As a Country, we are divided.
Why do you think Obama is trying so hard to divide this Country? Why do you think he is trying so hard to destroy our Cons$#%&!@*ution? Take our rights away? Take our guns/ammo away?
I hope & pray that you are right, & Obama is just ignorant, & doesn’t know what he is doing. But, from everything I have seen, he knows exactly what he’s doing. How many times has he went over Congress head, & never paid the consequences for his actions? He knows Congress won’t do anything. Look at how often he ignores our Country’s traditions, & Celebrates the enemies traditions. Look at how he treats our #1 Ally, Israel. He treats Israel with so much disrespect, while treating Terrorists like they are our friends. He is releasing terrorists from Gitmo, so they can join ISIS, & continues to stick up for the enemy. Giving them weapons, money, people from prison, etc…
How can you not think he has an Agenda? How can you not think he isn’t the enemy?
Like I said, I hope you’re right.
Yes.So what are they really up to?
You really think our military would go against the oath they took and attack there own country let alone there families I don’t ,,,
I’m 30 miles from JBLM , there has been no activity here where I am at , at all.// Something I saw recently showed the area for the Jade Helm exercises that had it set up like the middle east and had texas representing Iran and Utah as Syria and a part of Cali I think as palestine. IDK wtf is going on, but my concern lies also with the super moon on sa$#%&!@*ay which is also the 3rd blood moon of this tetrad which is the last tetrad this century. maybe not the last blood moon but last tetrad. I don’t even want to say what I really think. Things I think will change big time come the end of Sept. I’m probably wrong though.
don’t be suprrised if the nov.2016 elections are called off and martial imposed. this doesn’t look good,especially after so many of our top military officers have been fired.
Notice they are doing this in a Blue state. Who do you think the Fed will be coming for? Hippies? Not in Texas.
Get ready America. I pray to the good Lord that our military fights back Obama about doing this