Truthstream Media published a video at the end of last month of a large scale military drill involving 3000 soldiers and numerous military helicopters.
The drill was conducted in the Round Rock/Hutto/Georgetown/Taylor area of Texas, not close a military base.
Truthstream claims to have been told the drill was in preparation for civil unrest. The alternative media source also states they have received numerous reports from all over the country on an increased level of military activity, yet reported on a national level.
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They Shall Not Go Unpunished
Dr. Oliver’s favorite of his own speeches, given before a very enthusiastic audience of over 5,000. A powerful call to evict the traitors from Washington. Includes detailed discussion of the betrayal of the anti-Communist Cubans during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the mysterious CIA radio station Radio Swan on Swan Island.
Download or listen to the recording
3:54 / 62:27Download
Speech before the Dallas Indignation Committee; 1961, 62 minutes
This was published by Kevin Alfred Strom. Posted on Sunday, January 1, 1961.
Get over it. Your boy, obama, is president.
He is preparing to take over the country.
they are is some areas practicing rounding up dissidents with swat teams and helicopters. other areas concentrate on a town or area of a city.
Hahahahahahah and you all think there’s going to be an election in 2016.
Go Texas!!!
Practice! Lol…Right!
not right at all
All we can do is hope & pray that our military goes against Obama and doesn’t harm the civilian population.We’ll see if our military and police defend the population against all oppressors both foreign or DOMESTIC.