The Muslim Brotherhood has sworn to destroy America from the ground up. Former FBI Director James Kallstrom warns this has already happened in the FBI. And that is not even mentioning the name of the man who inadvertently or not did the most to abet the Muslim Brotherhood here on U.S. soil, former President Barack Hussein Obama. He not only condoned the pardoning of terrorists, opened our borders to millions of illegal crime-prone aliens, created backdoor deals with Iran, and handed weapons to ISIS. But, he also created an environment where the Muslim Brotherhood could all but announce their official presence as a registered political party.
Of course, since Obama opened the borders, we have dozens of Islāmic camps perverting our country. Not to mention the untold number of likely sleeper cells. Head on over to the next page to learn what President Trump is doing to annihilate ISIS on both our own home turf and abroad!
Obama got OBL
Trump is a draft dodging coward POS
But his supporters say it was all due to Obamas’ actions !
You must be talking about Obama lol
The power of prayer to our one true Sovereign Lord does work and anyone that believes otherwise will stand face to face with our CREATOR.
Get on board with Jesus, or suffer the wrath to come, AMEN???
How do we know that statement is true?
Obama helped support ISIS to destroy all the Christen nation.
Nope he had his turn we have a new pos and boys has he proved him self 10 fold lol
Have you watched XNN or MSNBC lately?
As you think you’re cute and call each other names lol