Most organizations and companies don’t want you to know they’re trying to control what you think. Astroturfing is the term used to describe this brainwashing.
That is why men like George Soros utilize astroturfing ad infinitum. It helps them trick people into thinking a ‘crazy idea’ is actually okay and mainstream.
Say you were to Google something like “are all white people racist?” Thousands of articles will show up at the top claiming all white people know they have an “invisible knapsack” and anybody who thinks differently is a racist.
They make it look like tons of people are saying the same thing. But in reality, these new-fangled ideas can all be traced back to several organizations actively brainwashing the masses through the internet.
Head on over to the next page to find out the top 5 indicators of astroturfing. How do you know if you’re reading real information or corporate propaganda?
The CDC is one of the major government organizations engaged in these dangerous tactics. Your very health might be at stake.
Its the Astroturf what made them what they became,sick People.
This is typical of COMMUNIST Nations.
Public approval is one of the most under rated human motivations.
Even our sky is laced with chemicals. #Chemtrails. #ObamaMadeThat – yes he really did.
Unless you are immune to it. Once you wake up to this there is no going back.
I don’t want your pocket survival guide. I just want to read the damn article uninterrupted
KKK were the Democrats. The psycho gunmen at schools are Democrats.
Many people can accuse whites and Jews alone of being racist, while being oblivious to how that is racist, or discriminatory to those two races for biological inclinations they are born with and can’t help. Namely recognizing other races characteristics, which you are simultaneously doing while pointing out that white people or Jews are discriminating against others while ignoring everyone else does that as well. The media pretends discriminating against white people and censoring Jews is ok, so leftists join in on the hate and violation of human rights. They do this to some degree because there minds are overwhelmed by emotion, particularly fear of blacks, mullatoe muslims and other non whites, and the idea of standing up to them, discriminating against them appropriately, and experiencing the hatred from society is too much for many women and men. Many other people are just completely selfish, and would have said just let me live my life and enjoy myself, who gives A care even while blacks were slaves. They may lie and pretend to believe everyone is the same and Jews and whites are to blame for inequality and conflict, but they really will embrace whoever is in charge. What really needs to be broken is the billionaire owned media that lies to get rid of freedom for the people by pretending to hate racists so they can conceal the races of the billionaires so they can protect their fortunes, while americans grow poorer, work harder and become more desperate. In G-d I trust.
I wrote this.