Timelines are a killer for Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, Eric Holder, Robert Mueller, Bill Comey, Rod Rosenstein, John Podesta, Loretta Lynch, and even Bill De Blasio! Why?
Because the timelines involved in one of the most blatantly dishonest sales of our American security show how uranium that exited the United States through a backdoor loophole in our laws, was “spirited away” across three continents to end up in the most unlikely of places: IRAN.
How could this have happened, especially when all the “powers that be” KNEW OF THE DIRTY DEALINGS OF THE COMPANY THAT PURCHASED THE URANIUM?
Valerie Jarrett, Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham-Clinton
This story doesn’t stop at the Iranians and the scratch-my-back payments to the Clinton Foundation, but goes one step further to illustrate how the Russians have been itching to build an excessive amount of nuclear reactors for the Iranians and are using American uranium as the catalyst!
From a fake announcement of a uranium mine in Iran just discovered, perhaps, to the signing of contracts between Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rouhani, this entire venture was encouraged and allowed by our corrupt government officials and a severely compromised intelligence community and rewarded by the Iranians and the Russians!
Turn to the next page to read this explosive new angle on the Uranium One deal and how both Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama colluded with the Russians and the Iranians to make this happen! The timeline that is revealed on the next pages fully demonstrates the incestuous relationships between all the parties involved!
Well nobody really knows how trumps economy is yes and done a fucking thing yet he’s only took over for a month and a half he hasn’t had any time other than going to court and trying to figure out how not to go to prison doesn’t leave a whole Lotta time to do any legislation or actually make policies change anything only thing the man’s done is reverse everything Obama did everybody like you already told us Obama didn’t do nothing so reverse of nothing is still nothing has an affect me in anyway whatsoever I’ve already had very good insurance I’ve been paying for for 35 years right now I pay $14,000 a year and I have for the last 15 years now who’s fault is that Obama’s again or was it Hillary or should I pick out one of the other fucking idiots to blame or maybe a set free market thing you people think you have when we really know better but there is no such
Clinton never heeded the words of her hubby’s theme music lyrics, ” —- Thinking about tomorrow..” Their main focus was ‘ Gettin rich today.’
We didn’t do “Nothing.”……We voted against HRC on NOVEMBER 8th. 2016.
Bob Roberts ok very true.
I thought Trump was going to drain the swamp?
Was it the ROSENBERGS in years past?
They should hang together
TREASON don’t they hang you for that in WWII they did for sure, maybe now would be a good time for the govt to take action and round them all up
The whole bunch of them should be taken out and shot