Report: Hillary Asked Mueller to ‘Hand-deliver’ Uranium During Secret ‘Plane-side Tarmac Meeting’


We can all remember that at the height of the Tea Party fury over government waste, corruption and inactivity, there was an unprecedented number of new political action grassroots groups that formed and were registering with the IRS for tax-exempt status.  This was at a time when Barack Hussein Obama was literally in a tough fight for reelection, coming off of a terrible three and a half years of ObamaCare, Fast & Furious, racial divisions, cop killings and a radical anti-White, anti-Christian bent from the White House.

In order to assist the president in his reelection bid, the IRS decided to stall or completely ignore the applications of hundreds of conservative political action groups.

(2010-2013): [T]he IRS intentionally selected and then delayed or denied tax-exempt 501(c)(3) applications from conservative groups to prevent them from participating in the 2012 election, followed by IRS agent Lois Lerner invoking her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.

Read on the following page about another colossal bombshell of a scandal that involved Robert Mueller!

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  1. Mike
  2. Duran
  3. Frank
  4. Mort

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