Recall President Trump’s claim that three million illegal voters prevented him from winning the popular vote, although he obviously did win the Electoral College vote which is the one that counted. Nevertheless, that’s a serious charge of voter fraud, and it bears investigation.
An investigation is precisely what the President has ordered, and it takes the form of a committee with bipartisan membership that is charged with the investigation of the recent presidential election to determine to what extent corruption might have impacted the results. If early reports are any indication, this committee is likely to discover more than people might have imagined.
In Virginia, Governor McAuliffe’s political appointees have taken extraordinary measures to hide what appears to be significant voting irregularities. This may just be the tip of the iceberg.
More on page two.
Is that the jackass that said 93 million ppl die every day from guns after the scalise shooting ?
And they do need to be prosecuted harshly…
All corrupt politicians should not be allowed to be politicians anymore
James Henry you’re a racist
Demo nut
This has been obvious for years, as the reason for democrats being so insistent on not enforcing immigration laws, and for their being adamantly opposed to any type of voter Id laws to prevent voter fraud- they want those new democrat voters
There is a new governor in 2018 that will have a chance to fix it.
We’ve been telling them about it .
Idiot. Of Course they Are.
Doesn’t surprise me at all