Recall President Trump’s claim that three million illegal voters prevented him from winning the popular vote, although he obviously did win the Electoral College vote which is the one that counted. Nevertheless, that’s a serious charge of voter fraud, and it bears investigation.
An investigation is precisely what the President has ordered, and it takes the form of a committee with bipartisan membership that is charged with the investigation of the recent presidential election to determine to what extent corruption might have impacted the results. If early reports are any indication, this committee is likely to discover more than people might have imagined.
In Virginia, Governor McAuliffe’s political appointees have taken extraordinary measures to hide what appears to be significant voting irregularities. This may just be the tip of the iceberg.
More on page two.
This needs to be changed – only real citizens should vote!!!!!
He set up Charlottesville, needs to be recalled pronto !!
No surprise. He is a hemorrhoid hanging off the treasonous Clintons.
ANOTHER Liberal Governor! Democrats in power only know how to lie, cheat, steal, obstruct, spread hate/violence and get away with all types of crimes on their way to getting what they want. They are NOT above the law even though they think they are untouchable. Progressives/Socialists/Communists ALL think the same, just at different levels of insanity.
Needs to be locked up… this is a crime!
Lock his$#%&!@*up
Of course thats why these states refused Trump ehen he said he wanted to investigate it
lawless democrats..need votes
Another pos get rid of this corrupt liar