Recall President Trump’s claim that three million illegal voters prevented him from winning the popular vote, although he obviously did win the Electoral College vote which is the one that counted. Nevertheless, that’s a serious charge of voter fraud, and it bears investigation.
An investigation is precisely what the President has ordered, and it takes the form of a committee with bipartisan membership that is charged with the investigation of the recent presidential election to determine to what extent corruption might have impacted the results. If early reports are any indication, this committee is likely to discover more than people might have imagined.
In Virginia, Governor McAuliffe’s political appointees have taken extraordinary measures to hide what appears to be significant voting irregularities. This may just be the tip of the iceberg.
More on page two.
Almost as corrupt as the Clintons..
Another lying democrat!!!!!
Can we just cancel the democratic party yet?
IT AIN’T NO PARTY in this country with t b email around
Them party.
We know he is a Clinton Clone and will be happy when he is gone!!
2 questions, 1 why hasn’t Jeff Sessions started an investigation 2 why hasn’t Virginia charges this governor with voter fraud? I find it amazing how any politician can be this deceitful and still not have charges against them.
Let’s 60,000 out of jail so they can vote and says there are no illegal votes.
Another swamp creature.
When will the average American wake up and realize we are at war in America. When will the good people speak out and stand opposed to those responsible for this?
8 years of liberal rhetoric, democrats siding with thugs over cops, illegals over citizens, refugees over security, activist judges, the left attacking and making a mockery of our nations laws and convincing the useful idiots that those who want our laws enforced are the enemy has caused our society to become increasingly lawless and dangerous.
Its time to lay the blame where it belongs. Its time the good people stopped associating with , accepting,being friends with, employing ,or enabling the part of society that is permissive, emboldening or on the side of Americas enemy as defined below.
Liberals in this country are out of control. They are lawless uncivilized insurgents. Sooner or later I fear they will cross a line that will end up sparking a redefining conflict in this country.
Liberals are truly the trade union for America’s malignancies
Thugs, criminals, illegals, radicals and freaks all banded together to support and conceal each others bad acts by electing democrats to obstruct the enforcement of laws broken by their membership.
If its malignant it votes democrat
When liberals rule criminals drool
When the model liberal city of NY can designate a known murderous terrorist as the honoree of a parade it is not hard to see the direction of the left.
To deny that there is one party that unites America’s malignancies under one umbrella is to deny reality and is indicative of a true mental illness.
In confict between thug and cops democrats choose thugs, in questions of illegals over citizens democrats choose illegals, refugees over security. They fight every attempt to secure elections from fraud, secure our borders and return to a lawful society. Current Democrats are the largest organized crime syndicate and threat to these United States the country has ever known.
Indict his$#%&!@*