Recall President Trump’s claim that three million illegal voters prevented him from winning the popular vote, although he obviously did win the Electoral College vote which is the one that counted. Nevertheless, that’s a serious charge of voter fraud, and it bears investigation.
An investigation is precisely what the President has ordered, and it takes the form of a committee with bipartisan membership that is charged with the investigation of the recent presidential election to determine to what extent corruption might have impacted the results. If early reports are any indication, this committee is likely to discover more than people might have imagined.
In Virginia, Governor McAuliffe’s political appointees have taken extraordinary measures to hide what appears to be significant voting irregularities. This may just be the tip of the iceberg.
More on page two.
James wants a White House with SJWs who preach fascism. Am I right James?
What do we expect from a radical liberal Democrat! They all use the same old playbook which is becoming way out of date!
But one full of muslims was ok in your book? Makes perfect sense!!!!
No there is no voter fraud! It was the Russians take my word for it! Things do have a way of coming out if the dark and into the light! It was the only way he won cheating!!
Psalms 7: 14-17 NLT
[14] The wicked conceive evil; they are pregnant with trouble and give birth to lies.
[15] They dig a deep pit to trap others, then fall into it themselves.
[16] The trouble they make for others backfires on them. The violence they plan falls on their own heads.
[17] I will thank the LORD because he is just; I will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High!
You certainly have alot time to find all those mimes James!!! Oh, I hear mommy calling you. Must be time to eat.
I believe there are MANY illegal voters, per Obama’s instructions. Illegal voting had been a long-term problem. That’s how JFK was elected.
The Constitution states citizens’ right to vote. Nothing about Illegal aliens right to vote. The ones that give the voting rights to illegal aliens should be imprisoned. When is our government getting common sense? And when will those nabobs get backbone and/or guts? Until indictments are handed down nothing will be done. Stupid stooge should be one of the first to go.
Occupy dumbocrats…they still think russia stole the election
Same thing here in Chicago. Sanctuary City for illegal Democrat voters! How do you think our crooked politicians stay in office?