A report from Vanity Fair claims that Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who currently sits on the board of Fox Corp., is pushing Fox News Channel to “break with the Trump presidency” because he is not a good role model.
Fox News Channel has been drifting for more than a few years to the Left, beckoned ever more enticingly by the DNC-controlled Fourth Estate of the American press. It appears that, with the hiring of many Liberal contributors and anchors, Fox News may have finally completed its voyage over the international dateline and into Progressive news territory.
Turn to the next page to read about this tremendous claim by a Liberal news-zine detailing a supposed turnaround for a news network that once sat atop the throne of cable news, but which is destined now to a future of mediocrity and outrage-fueled fury over all things Donald Trump!
Please say this isn’t true
If this is true, Fox will be just another Main Street media network and their ratings will fall drastically. If they get rid of their conservative hosts, there will be no reason to watch Fox. Hopefully, someone is coming up with an idea for a conservative news network that we all can trust. I don’t believe anything I see and hear tat comes from the MSM networks and never watch them. Fox would not be where are in the ratings if it were not for those of us who are conservative. All voters don’t live on the East and West coasts. We deplorable are much more informed than the MSM believe.
So sorry to see this happen. Mary Beth McCurrin Glover, Colorado Springs, CO
I do not watch FOX News anymore. I have stopped a long time ago. I guess what did it for me was the hiring of Paul Ryan.
I like OAN One America News, Never was impressed with Paul Ryan or Romney, two pathetic RINO sissies! If they had motto it would be Whimper Cry.
If they eliminate their money makers they become as worthless as CNN MSNBC etc.
I’m sure they can find employment over at one America News
If Fox News stops doing business the way they have been, I will stop watching. They do lean right but I think they are the most fair and honest reporting on TV. I am a registered independent and I don’t watch any news but Fox. ABC, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, and CNN are all so far left and they blatantly lie that I don’t feel like they are even journalists anymore. They seem to not even know what’s going on, or don’t care. Don Lemon is a blatant liar and super 2 faced. His interview with Morgan Freeman and Denzel Washington made him look like nothing more than a kiss butt!
I’m not overly fond of some on Fox for all different reasons but I still feel they all are honest in their statements and not ignoring subjects when convenient. To ignore riots in Portland and LA and NY and so many other places is ridiculous. I have friends in all the cities I named, and I lived in LA for 32 years, and grew up in Ct. People are scared and disgusted with what’s happening and have stopped watching MSM because they act like it’s a “myth”
They don’t know where they can and can’t go!
Once you lose the viewers trust and respect, more than a few will stop watching, because sooner or later the truth will come out and things will swing back to truth and honesty! You and your people may be richer than me, but you are not better! I am still smart enough to pay attention and fact check news. I will vote for who I want, even if this is the last time I get to do it.
Wake up and do what’s right, not what loser politicians tell you what you can and can’t do! Honesty is still and Always will be the best policy. We may all stray for a bit, but those of us that come back, will have a long and fruitful life, in whatever we pursue!
Thanks for leaving a place for my opinion.
If Trump not in the White House , I will not watch FOX NEWS again also no more cable TV for me.
Watching less and less of FoxNews . Turning to Newsmax. Knew Ryan would ruin Fox. They are going to fall in rankings, and if they keep down this progressive path they’ll have ratings like those of MSNBC. Too bad Fox is allowing the likes of Ryan to take them down!
OAN AND BREITBART seem to be the only news worthy establishments now. Chris Wallace is a disappointment, use to think he was pretty good.