A whistleblower FBI agent has come out and shared exactly what happened to those 50,000 missing text messages exchanged between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page.
Many GOP officials are not buying the lousy excuse being suggested by the FBI in regards to how all of these text messages conveniently happened to be missing during crucial dates corresponding to the appointment of Bob Mueller to the “Special Counsel”.
Because, according to this whistleblower, the FBI has a lot more to hide them just their anti-Trump biases and desires to trap him with their rigged little “Russia Investigation”.
The Deep State knows no bounds. One has to look no further than the mysterious circumstances John F. Kennedy found himself in just weeks after crossing the CIA and double-crossing the dark inner powers that be pulling the strings behind the stage.
Continue to the next page to read this astonishing testimony outlining what the “secret society” really intends to do about President Trump should the “Special Counsel” fail to accomplish its mission.
Why isn’t that a fireable and jailable offense…The FBI and DOJ would put anyone else in jail. Must be nice to superior to the law.
They do and all of their asses will be hung!
Scary stuff I guess somebody better get on it
Casildo Quiroz :; Sorry but he didn’t do it sore loser…LMAO!!! Plus what he did in the past was in the past… don’t care what he did then as long as he keeps doing the great job he is doing now…Plus you can’t get impeached for whatever he did in the past…So suck it up buttercup….
Ray White clarify Ray
This is absurd what is going on behind the seen in Washington?
My$#%&!@*has seen yours! Nice little hands weirdo
This needs dealt with immediately.
WHAT are the Democrats so afraid of the American people finding out in the FISA documents and the missing texts? It must be really bad! Democrats in powerful positions only know how to lie, cheat, steal, obstruct, spread hate/violence, cover for each other, make everything about race, play on our emotions, and get away with all types of crimes on their way to getting what they want. They are NOT above the law even though they think they are untouchable. Progressives/Socialists/Communists ALL think the same, just at different levels of insanity.