The mainstream media used to be relatively friendly to Donald Trump. While they never particularly likes him, they gave him unlimited airtime during the primaries while largely ignoring the rest of the Republican field. It was clear that the ratings-hungry press — and especially CNN — were rooting for a Trump nomination. Some even mockingly referred to CNN as “TNN” (or “Trump News Network”) due to the massive amounts of time they devoted to the billionaire businessman.
Now that he has secured the nomination, however, CNN no longer has a reason to promote the GOP candidate. As such, they’ve begun to relentlessly attack Trump at every opportunity. The massive change in direction has minted a new nickname for CNN — the Clinton News Network.
Dismantling Trump has become so critical to CNN in recent months that they seem more concerned with landing an attack than caring if is actually true.
See CNN’s latest baseless attack on Donald Trump on the next page:
I will never get tired of reposting this:
How I feel!!! If you do not agree, that’s fine with me. I know a lot more that DO than DON’T!!!!
Had to share this: Ok people, soap box moment………
Millions of trump supporters feel this way about Donald J. Trump…..”We don’t care if the guy swears… or how many times he’s been married…or who he voted for, or what his income tax return shows. We want the problems fixed. Yes he’s an egomaniac, but we don’t care. We know he’s not a racist, or bad to women, or all the other things the liberal media is trying to label him with. We know he’s raised a good family, and that says a lot about him.
The country is a mess because politicians suck, the Republican Party is two faced & gutless, and illegals are everywhere and Muslims are openly trying to hurt this country and make the civilized world adjust to them. We want it all fixed!
We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care that he has changed positions, we don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly, Rosie O’Donnell, and so many of the elected establishment. We don’t care that Rubio, Cruz, Ryan, the Bush’s, and so many other top old and new Republicans refuse to endorse him for their own selfish reasons, and we know what they are. We don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorists, we don’t care that he tried some businesses that didn’t work out.
This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegals, we are becoming a nation of victims, where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in, AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED. And TRUMP is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.
We’re sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic and Republican Party. We’re angry about the Iran deal, the budget, treatment of Israel, military weakness, lobbyists, special interests, overpaid politicians with their self serving bills and back room deals, trade deals, loss of jobs, manipulated economic numbers, businesses fleeing, and even the phoney pay for play Clinton Foundation.
Americans are no longer going to be fooled, and the movement is out to change the direction we’re taking. Trump may not be a saint, but he doesn’t have lobbyist money holding him, he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him, and all you know is that he has been very successful, a good negotiator, he has built a lot of things, he’s flexible, and he’s also not a politician. And he says he’ll fix it. And we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.
Public service has become elected greed. This may be our only chance to have a non-politician, despite his flaws, try and correct the mess, at least for 4 years. We must take the shot, because the consequences of putting Hillary Clinton in office are frightening. There is a tidal wave happening, and its going to overcome much of what’s happened to this country. If you feel the same you may feel free to repost this.
Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has committed so many crimes that it’s utterly disgusting that charges have not been brought up against her. She truly belongs in jail right now. Lucky for her, we have a Democratic President in the White House right now, and he and his liberal cronies have conspired to keep her out of trouble, at all costs.
One of those “costs of doing business”, Hillary-style, just may have been murder. Eric Bolling recently shed some light on The O’Reilly Factor about how the Democratic National Committee allegedly murdered a staffed who threatened to exposes more of Hillary’s criminal activity.
Here’s Bolling’s full exchange with co-host Monica Crowley:
ERIC BOLLING (GUEST HOST): Third topic, one of my favorite topics of the day. Julian Assange now says that he has — he may have more leaks, more whistle blowers. Now, there was a staffer who was killed. A DNC staffer who was murdered in D.C. People are trying to make the link between this DNC staffer, Seth Rich. and Wikileaks. Your thoughts?
MONICA CROWLEY: Well, we don’t know, obviously, what the facts are. I found it curious that Mr. Assange spoke on Dutch television yesterday and alluded to that fact.
BOLLING: Alright, so let me set it up a little bit. So, this guy was walking on the street. He’s shot in the back, he is not robbed. He still has his watch, his phone, and his wallet.
CROWLEY: Right. Nothing was taken.
BOLLING: It’s clearly not a robbery. There wasn’t a robbery. They weren’t even trying to get his information.
BOLLING: This was a hit.
CROWLEY: And law enforcement went in and the original report was that it was a robbery. But now, in view of Mr. Assange’s comments and some other information, now they are taking a second look at this and saying not so fast. Maybe, in fact, it wasn’t a robbery. Maybe there was something more sinister here. Wikileaks does work in the shadows, so we don’t know for sure, but for Mr. Assange to suggest somehow that this young man, Mr. Rich, was an informant of theirs, I don’t see why he would suggest that unless it may, in fact, be true. The question going forward, I think for Mrs. Clinton, for everybody here, is what else is out there? Who has it? Whose life may be in danger?
BOLLING: It’s like an episode of Homeland.
CROWLEY: It may be worse in some ways.
BOLLING: So I was talking to my friend Nate. and he said — you know, I told him about this story, and Nate says “You know, D.C. is dangerous.” I said dangerous? He was shot in the back and he kept all his money. There is something more here.
CROWLEY: Yeah. Look, where there is smoke, there is fire, so — and I think Mr. Rich’s parents want a fuller investigation, as they should well be entitled to. The question is how might this affect the election? Will there be an October surprise? Who is in control of those emails? Who has Mrs. Clinton’s email inventory? The Russians? Wikileaks? No one knows.
BOLLING: Monica, we will leave it here. Thank you very much. Hear that, Nate? Where there is smoke there is fire. Lots of smoke right now.
What if Eric Bolling is right? How sickening is this crime?
Lies are the only thing that can be thrown at TRUMP
cnn are lyin liberals.
They all have their hand on the Clinton Foundation cookie jar even our own government!
They obviously fabricate most of their stories!
CNN fabricates everything they say!!
Of course they did !!!
Wouldn’t know, I don’t watch them anyway