The mainstream media used to be relatively friendly to Donald Trump. While they never particularly likes him, they gave him unlimited airtime during the primaries while largely ignoring the rest of the Republican field. It was clear that the ratings-hungry press — and especially CNN — were rooting for a Trump nomination. Some even mockingly referred to CNN as “TNN” (or “Trump News Network”) due to the massive amounts of time they devoted to the billionaire businessman.
Now that he has secured the nomination, however, CNN no longer has a reason to promote the GOP candidate. As such, they’ve begun to relentlessly attack Trump at every opportunity. The massive change in direction has minted a new nickname for CNN — the Clinton News Network.
Dismantling Trump has become so critical to CNN in recent months that they seem more concerned with landing an attack than caring if is actually true.
See CNN’s latest baseless attack on Donald Trump on the next page:
You sir are an idiot!
James Hardwick Sr last 6yrs GOP has done nothing $19T in debit now blame Obama its the damn GOP
Don’t see CNN covering Obama’s many vacations or golfing expenses
Tina Godwin you talking abt James Hardwick Sr i hope Miss
No surprise, wake up America and look around, listen do your own research. The socialist leftwing MSM are spinning these lies. Just like 1950s Pravda in old soviet union. .
Its harder to win , when the enemy is dim-o-cants, news and your own team , like playing another team and the umps don’t make calls on the other team
Tina Godwin nope maybe you are but not me i have seen the truth and its no place close to this but thats ok tine you have eyes but are blind you have a voice that can not speak the truth and you ears may hear but are plugged by your fingers ,,, lalalala
I listened to the debate with Rudy Guiliani – it was funny to hear what the interviewer said. Spin, spin, spin – we know what Trump meant – don’t try to fool us. He was talking about the NRA defending itself.
Good ole CNN. Trash television at its best.
Its a shame that the liberal media an the democrat party has to stoop to lieing to try an get the crookest lieing scum that has ever run for POTUS Hillary Clinton along with Obama.